"You got engaged a month after we had issues" – Alleged chat of Lord Lamba and Queen Mercy leaks

“You got engaged a month after we had issues” – Alleged chat of Lord Lamba and Queen Mercy leaks

The alleged discussion between Lord Lamba, a content creator, and his baby mama Queen Mercy, in which he purports to have accused her of seeing another man while they were dating, has leaked online.

During their conversation, Lamba questioned Queen Mercy about her relationship with her fiancé and suggested that she might have been seeing him beforehand.

Lord Lamba
Lord Lamba

He mentioned that Queen had told him before that David, her fiancé, was only her friend from the UK and that she had become engaged after they had problems.

The Instagram blogger Cutie Julls posted the conversation online, stating that it demonstrates how Queen Mercy’s husband, David, has been caring for their daughter.

Queen Mercy and her husband, David

Leaked chat between Lord Lamba and Queen

The post reads: “Queen I’m not taking this anymore firstly, I need too see my child this week. common this is wickedness. You blocked me everywhere. have always wanted. I have always wanted to be with my daughter, now you a giving me conditions While you have always been with another man, even when we were still dating, but you busy monitoring me. Queen you got engaged a month after we had issues ? That means I have been dating my self all along. you were just waiting for right time to strike, your fiance even got a bicycle for my daughter. I asked you Said he is your UK friend. uk friend you have been sleeping with, Queen I need to see my daughter this new week and you need to grant me access. I cant deal with your manipulations any longer. you are mean and wicked. how can you do this to someone you claimed to love ? You were commenting on your fiance’s page. my king my that, but you were bust looking for who is commenting on my page, rm really scared of you right now. like I dodged a major Bullet. You that was always about posting…”



Leaked chat between Lord Lamba and Queen

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