The Mask Party | Sleek Poems

The Mask Party | Sleek Poems


I was invited to a mask party
The dress code for the party
Was black on black
On black mask

I arrived the venue early
At the door was a lady
Dressed in white
With a white mask on

She looked familiar
Stirred happy memories
But the feeling was distant
So I ignored her and walked right on

The others kept to the dress code
Black on black with black masks on
They all stirred familiar memories too
Hurt, grief, sorrow, pain, hopelessness…

For some reason I couldn’t explain
I enjoyed their company
It felt awkward but I stayed back
I wanted to leave – their presence overwhelmed me

The lady in white
Would come from time to time
But no one paid her any attention
So I ignored her too

The party went on for so long
It was the saddest I’d ever been to
It went on late into the night
The awkward feelings only got worse

Finally, the morning came
And they all disappeared
Except for the lady in white
This time her mask was off

I could tell finally
Why she looked familiar
She wore a constant beautiful smile on a face
That changed from time to time

It changed from
Joy, to happiness, to love,
To peace, to hope, to light
To every good thing I’d ever felt

I was in the company of her (Darkness)
Descendants all night.
Light herself was there with me
But I ignored her all through the night.

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