Sleek Tales: The Seventh Wife

Sleek Tales: The Seventh Wife — Chapter Two



I squint my eyes as rays of morning sunlight shine down on me through the window. The delicious scent of flowers and freshly baked bread fills my nostrils and I can’t help but smile as I breathe it all in, lazily stretching my body.

“Good morning my Lady. I was about to wake you up.” A voice says beside me, making my hands stop mid-air as I turn to see who the voice belongs to. It’s the shy maid from yesterday smiling sweetly at me.

“Good morning My Lady.” She greets me again with a small bow.

” And you are?” I ask my voice groggy from sleep.

“Giti, My Lady. I’ll be by your side from now on.” She replies the sweet smile still plastered on her face.

Sleek Tales: The Seventh Wife – An Unusual Romance

Oh right! I almost forgot, I’m in Zafira now alive and in one piece. And as if I’ve broken out of a trance I jump out of bed startling the maid as I rush to stand in front of the mirror, staring at my reflection while I tap my face lightly and give myself a pinch to make sure I’m not dreaming. I’m alive and in one piece. Memories of last night start flooding in and the fear in the pit of my stomach revives itself. Although nothing happened after the king had pushed me on the bed, he had promised to return today warning me to be more composed when he returned, and of course, today was the day.


“Are you alright, My Lady? “ Giti asks coming behind me.

” I guess I’ll be fine,” I reply, letting out a deep breath as I turn to face her. Giti looks a few years younger than me, with brown sparkly eyes, a small nose, and small thin lips held up in a smile. She is similar to me in both height and body size. To round it all up she’s as cute as a button and I’m starting to like her already.

“I’m sorry my lady but you have to get ready or else you’re going to be late,.” Giti says after a minute of silence.

“Late for what exactly?” I ask because I have no plans of leaving my room, not today at least.

“You’re going to meet the Queen and other Ladies of the Harem.” She replies and all traces of smiles leave her face.

” Can’t I meet them tomorrow?” I ask in a whiny voice. I do not want to go anywhere or meet anyone for that matter, I’m not mentally prepared for any introductions.

“I’m sorry My Lady but you can’t. It is a customary rule in the palace and it must be obeyed.” She replies.

“And what happens if I do not obey?”

” You’ll be punished and so would I. Please, My lady you have to get ready, we have only but an hour left.” She says her voice laced with impatience and fear.

“Alright then,” I reply as I let her lead the way towards the bathroom. Sensing from the urgency in her voice this must be important, plus I can’t risk any punishments on my first day here, I already gave the king a bad impression, to begin with disobeying orders will only make matters worse.

This makes me wish I was never a royal, to begin with, there are too many rules and no freedom.


An hour later I’m walking through the long corridors of the palace with Giti following close behind me, giving me directions where necessary. The corridors are full of servants who look busy tending to chores and running errands, who occasionally stop their chores to greet me as I pass by and then go back to minding their business. Nothing in the world has ever prepared me for this, I might be a princess but I always enjoyed my alone time, and palace activities were never my thing, but now here I am about to meet six other women with which I share a husband. How delightful.

Giti had briefed me on what to do and the situation to expect and from the information gathered so far I’m about to enter a den of lions. I pray the gods give me strength, to get this done and over with.

We finally stop outside a door with guards and maids standing in a file, who bow respectfully to me.  An eunuch comes right out the door as he seems to have been waiting for us.

“You’re right on time.” He says to Giti barely above a whisper after he acknowledges my presence with a bow.

“Princess Qamri of Sammarra.” The eunuch announces loudly as soon as the guards open the door leading me inside.

The room falls silent and I can feel all eyes on me, I can hear my heart beating rapidly in my chest as I keep my eyes straight and walk cautiously but gracefully inside trying my best to mask my fear. The Queen is a middle-aged woman probably in her fifties, however, she’s aged beautifully. Dressed in a dark green flowing robe, dangling gold earrings, and bangles adorning her, she looks even more beautiful. However are expression remains stoic and unreadable, exuding a dangerous aura.  I too would be like that if I had to share my husband with six other women.

According to Giti’s instructions I was supposed to kotow twice. First to greet the Queen and the second to greet the King’s women before me respectfully.

The Queen asks me to rise and take my seat after I am done paying my respects. I can feel their scrutinizing gazes on my every move as I walk to my seat, making me all the more anxious and uncomfortable. Do they know about my night with the king? I would not be surprised this was a palace after all and gossip spreads faster than wildfire.

The seats are arranged in pairs facing each other, except for the Queen who sits at the top facing all of us at once. I take my seat opposite who looks just about Arezu’s age, she gives me a light smile and I do the same, this king sure likes young women.

There’s a variety of pastries and wine placed before each of us and music being played from a harp somewhere in the corner, making me wonder if this is supposed to be a sort of welcoming banquet held in my honour. I keep my eyes glued to the embroidery patterns of my dress as if it is the most fascinating thing in the world, avoiding any form of eye contact as I can still feel them staring right through me in awkward silence.

” The Zahir sure has eyes for beautiful things doesn’t he?” Says one of the king’s wives with a dry chuckle.

I raise my eyes to look in her direction. Our eyes meet and she gives me a mischievous smirk, one I have come to know too well. I don’t know if I should feel complimented or insulted by her remark. Nevertheless, I give her the fakest smile I have to offer. It seems I have met another Zeinab in this Harem.

Our little staring contest is interrupted by the sound of opening doors as maids come in with more food, Giti comes to stand beside me and I can see the other maids do the same.

“Would you like me to dish up for you My Lady?” Giti asks referring to the food.

” No,” I reply as I motion for her to come closer.

“Who is that?” I whisper in her ear once she’s close enough, motioning with my eyes so I don’t seem too obvious.

” That is Lady Saffiya, the meanest of the all,” Giti replies in a whisper. ” You should avoid her at all cost My Lady.”

” You don’t have to tell me twice,” I whisper back.

The rest of the banquet continues as normal, their attention seems to be diverted to the performers and I can finally breathe normally now.  I need to come up with a plan if I want to survive in this palace and the first thing to do is win the King’s favor.


I stare at my reflection in the mirror, nervous but not as nervous as yesterday. I take deep breaths to calm myself.

“I can do this,” I say to myself for the umpteenth time. I need to do this for myself and the people of my kingdom. The banquet ended hours ago and now it is time to meet the King, my husband rather. Just saying the word makes me cringe but I have no choice in the matter.

I looked all pretty in a red dress and veil, I had asked the maids to put in more effort in my makeup too even though it was not my style. If I was going to win the King’s favor I had to put in some effort even if it meant being uncomfortable.

“My Lady it is time.” Says Giti standing by the door. I nod my head, letting out one final deep breath as I step outside.

I feel like a ram being taken to the slaughter as I am escorted to the King’s chambers on a palanquin in the company of my maids, After tonight I’m going to need a tour of the palace so I can know my way around.

We finally arrive at the King’s chambers and I feel shivers run down my spine as I come face to face with the big mahogany door with the carving of a lion on it, guarded by six hefty guards, three standing on each side. While the rest of the maids return together with the palanquin carriers Giti remains with me as we go up the small flight of stairs.

“I’ll be right here waiting My Lady.” Says Giti with her usual sweet smile as she moves to stand by the side. I give her a nod as I go inside the guards opening up the door for me.

I’m met with a long corridor that is brightly lit with lamps. I walk slowly but steadily towards the door at the end of the hallway where the King awaits. A eunuch holding a covered tray greets me with a bow as he hurries past me to go outside. I pick up my pace as I walk to the door, I had to get this done and over with once and for all.

I knock gently on the door, but there’s no response. I wait for another minute before I just the door open slowly and I can feel a chill run down my spine.

“Greetings My……….” But the words are stuck in my throat and a scream escapes my mouth instead as I look at the gory sight before me. The King is seated on his bed lifeless with a dagger through his chest and a pool of blood forming around him soaking the sheets.

The Zahir of Zafira has been murdered!

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