Sleek Tales: The Seventh Wife

Sleek Tales: The Seventh Wife – Chapter Four



“Prince Khalil,” says Saffiya. ” I had no idea you’d be back this soon. The prayers had just ended.”  A mischievous glint in her eyes.

“The tomb is being sealed, I had to rush back for some official matters.” I reply, even though I know I owe her no explanation, whatsoever.

“I see” She retorts with a small smile.” I shall leave you to it then.” She adds before walking away not pressing the matter further which I find strange.

I turn to look at the woman beside me, the new bride which I have heard about.  I turn to find two dark glistening eyes looking up at me, she seemed to be in a trance her gaze transfixed on me. Shiny black eyes stare at me through thick long lashes with pink cherry lips slightly parted in a shocked expression.

“My Lady, I did not have the pleasure of making your acquaintance before this tragedy befell us, “ I greet with a small bow breaking her out of her trance.”  I am Khalil, a son of the late Zahir,” I say, my eyes not leaving hers even for a moment.

“Greetings Prince Khalil, I am Qamri a wife of the late Zahir.” She replies in a tremulous voice. I can feel the tension building between us however I cannot seem to look away. The woman before me looks so innocent and gentle and nothing like what I had imagined. The news of my father taking on a new and younger bride didn’t come as a shock since it was nothing new however this time the wedding was nothing grand even the bride wasn’t present at the banquet instead everything had been rushed which raised my suspicion that something was amiss. With the king murdered the next day my suspicion was finally confirmed, someone had used the celebration at the palace to strike the king when his guard was at his lowest.

However, the report I had gotten from my men while at the royal tomb had me rushing back to the palace, whoever were the masterminds behind the Zahir’s murder were not done yet,  they wanted this woman to take the fall and cover up their tracks.

A sudden urge to protect her simply washes over me which I find unsettling. She was my father’s wife and my only job was to uncover the truth, nothing more.

“I shall leave you to your official matters, it was nice meeting Your Highness.” She says after a moment of silence passes between us, and I realize I might have been staring at her for too long.

“The matter concerns you, My Lady,” I respond, stopping her from leaving.

” And may I ask how?” She asks quirking her brow. Her attention focused on me even though she looked uninterested.

“Pardon my rashness, but it is a rather important matter.” A confused expression plays on her face

“I need your help and also in turn I’m here to help you.”

” Help me? What do you mean by this?” She asks her tone more firm with a hint of irritation.

” This might not be the most convenient of places to speak but I’ll say it anyway, there are rumors about you My Lady and I’m here to help you and in turn, I ask that you help me.”

” I’m sorry, Your Highness but I do not know what rumors you’re talking about and I surely do not need any form of help. The only thing I need right now is rest as I feel rather unwell. Goodbye.” She says with irritation clearly in her tone. And it strikes me that she does not know what is going on around her. I had a lot of explaining to do if I wanted this to work.

“Wait!” I say as I grip her arm gently to stop her from walking away. A warm tingle spreads through my body as my fingers brush her arm and I can feel my heart beating wildly in my chest. She stops in her as she turns to look at me her expression unfazed. I pull back my hand quickly as if I have been scorched by fire. What is wrong with me?

“I am sorry if I seemed too brazen just now but I do ……. My words are cut short when someone comes to stand between us pushing her a bit backward in the process.

It’s Sayeda, how could I have forgotten about her? The Viper has come to show herself.






” How dare you show your face in public after what you have done?!”

Who is this?

As if it’s not enough that this Prince is confusing me a woman I have never seen is staring daggers at me with tawny eyes.

“Do you plan to kill the prince just as you have murdered the Zahir?” Says the woman leveling an accusing finger at me.

What is the meaning of this? Murder the Zahir!  Is this what he meant when he said there were rumors about me? I can feel anger rising from the depths of my chest but I keep a calm expression.

The whole yard is silent and all eyes are swiveled in our direction, I can hear my heart hammering against my chest and a chill running down my spine. So much for peace!

“You should stay away brother, lest you be next” she says her voice dripping with malice, you will think I have offended her before this.

“Watch your words Sayeda,” Says the Prince his voice laced with a steely command, entirely different from the way he was speaking to me just now.

“You make grave allegations madame, yet present no proof,” I reply calmly, even I am surprised by my tone. Well,l I guess that’s what happens when you’re not guilty of anything.

“Who are you to make such baseless slanders?” A familiar authoritative voice asks grabbing everyone’s attention.

It’s the Queen.

” Have you no respect for the King? Or even the people before you?” She asks, that dangerous aura resonating around her.

” My Queen I…

“Someone take this woman out of here!” The Queen commands cutting her off.  People talk in hushed whispers as Sayeda is escorted out by guards and the Queen who is visibly angry storms out.

That went quite well.

The men seem to have returned from the tomb and I take it as my cue to leave too as it seems we have given these people quite a show.

The prince seems to have more to say to me but I walk away before he has a chance to say anything else. It might be rude but I just had the most embarrassing moment of my life, making me wish I could just disappear. I can feel the burning gazes as I walk away, tears welling up in my eyes.

I should never have married in the first place.






I cannot help the lingering smile tugging at the corners of my mouth. The little commotion at the Funeral is only the beginning. The prey is bound to take the fall, I just have to get that meddling prince out of the way so he doesn’t ruin my plan for the bigger picture. The Kingdom of Zafira will be mine in no time.

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