Sleek Tales: Riyah's Husband — Prologue

Sleek Tales: Riyah’s Husband — Prologue



In a small community like Kizolo where everybody knows everybody, news sure travels fast but then tell me why am I the last to know a celebration is being held in my own home? This sure is a surprise party but not a happy surprise of any kind.

Sleek Tales: Riyah's Husband — Prologue

My heart is beating wildly in my chest at the sight before me and also because I ran back after my friend Grace had informed me of the gathering in my compound.

“Your husband seems to be taking a new wife.” She had said.

“Are you sure?” 

“I know a wedding ceremony when I see one. Even if it were in my dream.” – Grace.

Of course, she would know everything about weddings she has been married four times already. How could Kolade do this to me? I admit we were never really in love but whatever happened to the mutual respect we promised to have for each other?

How could he do this? And behind my back, were part of the million questions I kept asking myself while I ran all the way home. Now seeing the sight before me everything comes to a standstill as pieces of the puzzle are put together.

There before me is my new nemesis, her arms linked together with my husband both dressed in a native matching couple attire, the woman smiling sweetly at him. However what pricks my heart the most is my husband Kolade is smiling back at her, both of them looking lovey-dovey as they are being surrounded by relatives and well-wishers. A picture of a perfect union.

I can feel my head spinning with everything around me, the music from the drums fading in the background. I want to scream but my throat is clogged and my mouth sealed, my eyes already filled with tears. If only this was just a bad dream, but the pain from the pinch I gave myself says otherwise and I want nothing more than for the ground to open up and take me in.

“Mummy, Mummy look at my dress!” my daughter Tolani squeals as she twirls in front of me excitedly, bringing me out of my reverie. She’s wearing a puffy dress sewn from the same material worn by the new happy couple. Typical four-year-olds she doesn’t realize what’s about to happen to us.

Her little squeal has brought attention to us. A particular set of eyes meet mine, one that I can never forget and one I have dreaded its return for too long, her smile growing even wider, Kolade’s face expressionless as he notices my presence. I think might faint any moment from now, especially since I’ve realized who has just married my husband.

It’s Riyah. Once a friend turned enemy.

However, only one pestering question stands out among the million questions running in my mind. Why did she come back?

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