Sleek Tales: Riyah's Husband — Prologue

Sleek Tales: Riyah’s Husband – Chapter Two



I’m startled awake by the sound of the front door opening, and the first name popping into my head, Kolade. I can’t even remember how or when I slept off on the sofa near the door. However, my mood turns sour at the face in front of me.”Where is Kolade?” I ask as I see no sign of him beside her.

“Did I disappoint you my darling?” She asks that stupid smile on her face again. “I decided to come in early so we could have a little chitchat, you know, as old friends.”

“I thought I made it clear that you were not welcomed here?” I retort with another question folding my arms and looking at her from head to toe. She’s dressed in a simple floral dress and sandals, her hair packed neatly in a small bin looking all refreshed while I’m here still in yesterday’s clothes and groggy from sleep and in a bad mood.

” And how does that affect the weather?”

Oh, I see… We’re replying to questions for questions now eh?!

“This is my husband’s house and there’s nothing you can do about it.” She adds.

” Which husband? Kolade is my husband, not yours. You left him at the altar five years ago.” 

“And you wasted no time in marrying him.” She interjects.

“Yes, because he’s a good man and he deserves better,” I reply as a matter of fact. ” I don’t know what you’re doing back here but I’m very sure you used some kind of charm to trap him because there’s no way he will go back to a woman like you,” I add.

” Oh is that so? News flash he already did and as you can see we’re married now. If anyone is trapping him it’s you my darling. You’re not the only one who knows how to use backdoors, Nolana. I’m back and I’m here to stay if you don’t like it then you’re free to leave. I’ve already accepted you as a co-wife and I’m ready to live in peace by letting bygones be bygones. Who knows, we can even go back to being friends along the way. However, if you decide to be a thorn in my flesh, I’ll prick you back like a thorn also.” -Riyah.

Did I just hear friends? That’s an expired word between us.

” Nice speech,” I say clapping my hands.” But you don’t scare me, Whatever friendship scenario you have going on in your head will never happen.” Who does she even think she is?!

” I know you did something to Kolade and I’m going to get to the bottom of it and when I do you’ll be kicked out of here for good. I suggest you go back to wherever you came from while you still have the time and let my husband and I live our lives peacefully. “ I say inching close to her.

” Ooh.. Look at me Nola, I’m shaking. Good luck on your little investigative adventure but while you’re at it, it would do you good to know that I know all the little tricks you played into trapping Kolade into this sham you call marriage. One word and it’s the end for you. I’d play nice if I were you.” She replies in an icy voice as she also inches forward standing head to head with me as we both stare daggers at each other.

I want to say something to clap back but my throat feels dry and all the words seem to be stuck in it. Did she just threaten me with my past? If this is not witchcraft then what is? How did she even know about it in the first place?

I can’t believe all this is happening right now.

Our little staring contest is interrupted by the door opening and Kolade stepping inside, he’s still dressed in yesterday’s clothes with a sour expression on his face. Well, that makes two of us.

“What’s going on here?” He asks looking at the both of us.

” Oh, nothing my love.” Riyah responds first in a sweet girl charming voice.” Nola and I were just catching up.” She says, the last part laced with bitterness as she leaves my side and clings to Kolade’s arm.

” Keys,” Kolade says stretching out his palm.

Quietly and as if I am being remote-controlled, I fish out the key to his bedroom from the pocket in my dress handing it over to him. He takes the key from me and walks away not sparing me a second glance with Riyah following close behind him after she turns and gives me a wink.

I’m left alone once again, standing in absolute shock as I try to process the events happening from yesterday till this very moment. Was this some kind of prank?

I feel small tugs on my dress snapping out of my line of thought. I look down to see small hands and tugging my dress When did she wake up? The best thing that happened to me after Kolade and also the key reason he and I are together in the first place.

“Mummy I’m hungry.” She says, her innocent face looking up at me and I find myself smiling even with the turmoil going on inside me.

“Come,” I say taking her small hands leading her to the kitchen.




“Are you seriously going to ignore me?” I ask Kolade for the umpteenth time a few minutes after he enters the kitchen, my voice calmer this time. He looks more refreshed this time around and I’m guessing he just finished taking a bath as I can smell his aftershave cream from where I’m sitting in a corner in the kitchen.

I watch him take his time, as he pours hot water in a mug and adds two sachets of nescafé to it. I watch the movement of his hands as he stirs the content in the mug, admiring every little detail from his beautiful expressionless face to the way the muscles beneath his rich brown chocolate skin flexed with each rotation of his forearm.

Every little detail about this man has always captivated me, even now in the moment where I should be raging like every woman would, it’s quite the opposite.

Am I hurt? Yes.

Would I leave him? No.

Not for anyone or anything.

“Do you love her that much?” I ask again and this time he pauses to look at me, holding the mug halfway up to his lips. His face has always been expressionless when talking or looking at me concealing whatever emotions he had for me, however, the answer to my question was more obvious than ever and even if it would hurt me when he said yes but that wasn’t going to change anything.

“What do you think?” He replies, quirking a brow at me as he takes a sip of his coffee.

“Even after everything she did?” 

“Hmm.” He nods in approval and I let out something between a scoff and a chuckle.

” What about me? Am I so unworthy of your love?” I ask and for the first time I see a tiny bit of emotion in his eyes but he conceals it back before I can even point out what it is, with no reply to my question.

” It’s okay.” I say as I stand up making my way to the doorway in the kitchen.” I have enough love for the both of us.” I add before walking out of the kitchen, but I can swear I heard him choking on his coffee at my statement, however, I don’t turn to see what effect my words have on him.

All I need is a shower and a plan. The days ahead are about to be rough.

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