Sleek Tales: Riyah's Husband — Prologue

Sleek Tales: Riyah’s Husband – Chapter Six


So apparently Grace didn’t abandon me after all, she went to call my husband for help, and he arrived with the police, Mama Bisi and her measly gang are spending the night in the station which serves them right anyway.

I’m a bit less angry at her now.

Kolade said he was going to press charges which I think is too much by the way but my opinion doesn’t matter those gossipmongers would never try me again.

We stopped at a pharmacy after that to get medication for Tolani and me, she got bruised on the knee when she fell during all the chaos, I’m injured too but what matters most is my baby.

The ride home is silent, this man is gripping the steering wheel like his life depends on it, his body is tensed and jaw clenched. He’s angry and doesn’t even want to listen to whatever I have to say. Well I’m just waiting for when we get home, Tolani has fallen asleep in the backseat and I don’t want to wake her nor do I want her to see her parents arguing.

A few more minutes and we get home, Kolade gets out of the car like a dash of lightning, he opens the back door and scoops Tolani in his arms taking her inside not even giving me a second glance.

Helloo. I’m hurting too.

My whole body hurts, I have a busted lip and my eyes feel like they are on fire among many other small bruises. God punish those women, I hope they suffer in that police cell.

I step in following closely behind Kolade, Riyah is standing by the kitchen door staring at us as Kolade goes into my room with Tolani in his arms, it’s good she doesn’t say anything I literally don’t have her time. She shares a room with Kolade, lucky her! The man didn’t even let me near his room when we first got married, but that’s beside the point, she’s one of the reasons why I got into a fight at the market today and I’m not going to let that slide. I just have to get better first.

Kolade lays Tolani down gently on the bed, tucking her in nicely before he turns to leave however I’m not letting him go just yet.

“It wasn’t my fault you know,” I say making him stop in his tracks. “Those women they…..”

“I don’t care whose fault it was Nolana, don’t drag my daughter into your shenanigans next time.” He says cutting me off in an icy tone his words more of a resounding warning.

” But..”

” Rest Nolana, you need it.” He says and with that, he’s out the door.

Wow! Just wow!

Kolade and I have always had a cordial relationship but since Riyah came he seems like an entirely different person. Just what on earth has she done to my husband? He doesn’t even want to listen to my explanation.

That witch Mama Bisi how dare she mention my mother. I have always been sensitive towards matters regarding my mother and that woman had the nerve to call my mother names. My mom was a good person regardless of how anyone saw her or what they said about her and I would defend her wherever and whenever I got the chance even if it meant losing myself.

My mother never had a good reputation, she had a rough life. But all that stopped when she met my father, he loved her unconditionally and my older brother like he was his son even though his family was against it.

Mama Bisi crossed the line today, she said and I quote “The mother is a prostitute and the daughter a mistress.” I was not going to let anybody disrespect my mother dead or alive. My mother was never a prostitute, she only had a child out of wedlock and I was no mistress either. I am legally married to Kolade but the people of Kizolo have their own ideas and only approve of what they seem to be right in their own eyes.

Now I understand why Riyah left five years ago. This place is backward and so is the mind of its people.


I open my eyes slowly, they still hurt but not as much as yesterday, it’s still dark outside and I’m guessing it’s still the wee hours of the morning. My throat is parched but the mere thought of getting out of bed to get water from the kitchen is terrifying, my body is aching all over even more than yesterday.

I check the time on my phone, it’s 5:45 am, slowly but steadily I get up from the bed as I try not to wake Tolani, she’s still fast asleep and hasn’t even woken up once since she fell asleep in the car yesterday, she must be really tired and traumatized. I feel bad that she had to get involved, Kolade was right I shouldn’t involve her in my problems. I should have just listened to Grace and walked away it would have saved me a lot of trouble.

I walk slowly to the kitchen, taking pained steps I feel like I got run over by a moving train. I make a mental note to apologize to Kolade later on, I’ll try to be more civil from now on.

Scratch that.

I take back everything I just said on civility because the sight in front of me as I put on the kitchen lights has me changing my mind quicker than a light bulb. What the hell happened here?

Where are my set of dishes and mugs? And when did we get a microwave? It better be Kolade who bought it.

Why is everything not where I left them? Who changed the positions?

This has Riyah written all over it.

“Riyaaaaah …”

Yes, I’m screaming and I don’t care that it’s still early in the morning. I need an explanation and I want it now.

“Riyaaah!” I scream yet again. I’m not going to stop screaming until she comes here.

” Why are you screaming my name like that? Don’t you know it’s still early in the morning some of us are trying to sleep.” She says groggily walking into the kitchen.

” What’s the meaning of this?” I ask ignoring her complaint.

“The meaning of what?”

“What did you do to my kitchen?” I’m impatient now she better start talking.

” Is that why you’re screaming the place down? I just did a little upgrade if it wasn’t so obvious. What’s the problem?”

What’s the problem? Did I just hear upgrade?

“You’re asking me what’s the problem? Everything is the problem. Did I ask you for an upgrade? This my kitchen it doesn’t need your stupid upgrade.”

” Point of correction, our kitchen you mean. This is my husband’s house too I can renovate and put my own touches to whatever I want.”

Somebody bring me a gun I want to shoot this woman.

“There is no our here. It’s my kitchen if you want to upgrade stuff go and build your kitchen or better still upgrade the one in your father’s house. It’s not needed here.” I say and she bursts out laughing like I just cracked a funny joke.

“Oh my darling you’re so funny,” Riyah says still laughing. Yea right, I must look like a clown, she won’t be laughing for long when I knock her teeth out.

” Wake up from your delusion Nolana, I’m here to stay and there’s nothing you can do about it.” -Riyah.

Well, we’ll see about that.

“You’re the delusional one thinking you’ll be here for much longer.” I retort.” Where are my dishes and mugs?” I ask. I need to know so I can bring them back.

” Oh those, they looked all old and worn out so I threw them out.”

She did what? She called my kitchenware old and worn out, well she’s about to be worn out too.

Crash! I send the whole dishrack crashing to the floor, the plates on it shattering on the tiled floor into different pieces.

“Nolana, what’s the meaning of this? Are you out of your mind?” She yells looking horrified.

” Well these plates looked so distasteful and ugly, I was just throwing them out..” I say as I move over to the next set of items also sending them crashing down. Riyah lets out a squeal of horror as she stands there contemplating what to do.

Well, I’ve not even started yet. She threw out my kitchenware, I was about to show her what a true throwdown looks like.

Oh good! The new microwave is next.

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