Igbo man commits to not divorcing wife if children aren't his after 10 years of marriage

Igbo man commits to not divorcing wife if children aren’t his after 10 years of marriage

An Igbo man has stirred controversy by standing firm in his decision not to divorce his wife, even if he discovers his children aren’t biologically his after a decade of marriage.

During a street interview, he was asked if he would forgive or divorce his wife under such circumstances.

Igbo man commits to not divorcing wife if children aren't his after 10 years of marriage

His response was surprising; unlike many men, he expressed his commitment to staying with his wife, considering the 10-year period a significant investment in their relationship.

He stated his willingness to regard the children as adopted and emphasized that his love for his wife would remain unchanged.

He also explained that in Igbo culture, if a woman conceives before marriage, the child is automatically considered the husband’s, not the biological father’s. This sparked discussions among internet users, who shared their thoughts and reactions to his stance.


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