A Slight Snip | Sleek Poems

A Slight Snip | Sleek Poems


I walked past an electric pole today
One which has held for years
obituary posters of men and women
Who’d lived and died in the community

Some I knew, others I didn’t
Young and old alike
The pole held it all
Memories of people who were loved

It brought to mind
How fleeting life is
A flimsy chord
Held between an open scissors

A slight snip
And everything’s gone
A life is lost
Off to the great beyond

This is another reminder
That life is short.
Heal from hurt
Live with love.

For no man knows
When the chord is cut
A slight snip
And a life is lost.


The poem, “A Slight Snip,” emphasizes the transient nature of life and the importance of cherishing the moments we have with loved ones.
The poem’s focus on the fragility of life is expressed through the image of a snipped rope, representing the sudden end of life that can come at any moment. This symbolizes the finite nature of human existence and the need to live fully and appreciate every moment.
The poem also touches on the importance of healing and forgiveness, urging readers to let go of hurt and embrace love, as life is too short to hold onto grudges or anger.

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