Sleek Tales: Riyah's Husband — Prologue

Sleek Tales: Riyah’s Husband – Chapter Ten


The afternoon sun hung low in the sky, casting a golden glow over the fields surrounding the community. Kolade sits in the car, eyes distant as he tries to make sense of the storm that his life has become. Riyah’s return had complicated everything—his marriage to Nolana, which was already strained, had now become unbearable. And despite his best efforts to keep things civil, the weight of his past hung over him like a curse.

His thoughts are interrupted by the sound of a soft knock on the car window, startling him out of his reverie. Kolade’s gaze shifts to the familiar figure waving at him. It was Tobi, the one and only person he considered a friend and brother, he rarely stayed in the community but always seemed to show up when Kolade needed him most.

“Long time, old friend,” Tobi greeted, a wide grin spreading across his face as he got into the passenger seat.“You look like you’ve been carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders.”

“You don’t know the half of it,” Kolade says letting out a dry laugh.

“You didn’t even invite me to you’re wedding,” Tobi says feigning annoyance.

” You wouldn’t have come even if I invited you,” Kolade replies.

” I don’t want to be caught in the middle of your Bollywood drama,” Tobi says and they both let out a chuckle.

” Omo you’re guy is going through a lot o,” Kolade says heaving out a sigh.

” I really don’t want to be you right now,” Tobi replies with a half-hearted laugh.

“I’ve got some news,” he says, his tone dropping slightly, signalling the importance of his visit.

Kolade’s brow furrows. “What is it this time?”

Tobi leans in, his voice low. “It’s about Riyah.”

Kolade tensed immediately, his eyes locking onto Tobi’s. “What about her?”

He’s been waiting for news ever since.

“I’ve been keeping tabs, just like you asked,” Tobi begins, pulling a few papers from his backpack. “Turns out she’s more tangled in this mess than you realize. Remember Alex?” Tobi asks and Kolade stiffenes at the name, his pulse quickening.

“What about him?”

Tobi hands Kolade a photo—an old, grainy image of Riyah and Alexander together, looking far too familiar with each other.

“She was involved with him in the city. They were together for years.”

Kolade’s stomach dropped. “Riyah was with Alexander?”

Tobi nodded. “Looks like she didn’t know who he was at first. But from what I gathered, things got… ugly between them. She eventually fled back here, but not before Alexander’s claws got deep into her life.”

Kolade’s mind raced, the pieces falling into place. Riyah’s return, the blackmail, everything now made a chilling amount of sense. She wasn’t just back for him—she was running from Alexander, trying to use him as a shield. Someone he was also trying to shield himself from.

“And there’s more,” Tobi continues.

“Alexander’s been asking questions again. Someone’s been feeding him information. It’s only a matter of time before he finds out where you are.”

Kolade’s hands ball into fists, his jaw clenched. All these years of hiding, starting over, trying to build a life away from the chaos—and now it was coming back to haunt him. Riyah and her father had dragged Alexander right to his doorstep, whether she realized it or not.

“What do we do?” Kolade asks, his voice tight with anger. Tobi shrugs, his expression serious.

“You’ve got to make a decision, Kolade. You either deal with Riyah and the mess she’s brought back with her… or Alexander is going to do it for you. And we both know how that’ll end.” _Tobi.

Kolade sat back, his head spinning. This was far bigger than the petty squabbles between Riyah and Nolana, far more dangerous than he’d imagined.

“I need time,” Kolade mutters.

“Time is the one thing you don’t have, my friend. But I’ll be around if you need me. Just don’t wait too long to act. Also, I think you should let Nolana in on this, she could be more understanding if she knew the truth. ” Tobi says before getting out of the car. Meetings like this were usually brief. Tobi was a busy man and didn’t need to stay longer than he was needed.

As Tobi walked away, Kolade stared out at the horizon, leaving the weight of the situation crashing down on him like never before. Riyah wasn’t just a problem; she was the key to his past catching up to him. And now, he had to figure out what to do before it was too late.

What type of life was this?



She had been back in the community for a few weeks now, and no matter how much she pretended everything was fine, the ghosts of the past kept creeping closer. At first, it was small things—seeing familiar faces, hearing people whisper her name like she was some kind of legend, which at the least made her feel good since everyone adored her. But then, she saw her—Grace.

She hadn’t expected to run into Grace so soon after her return. She thought she had faded away like the other broken pieces of her past, but here she was, right in the heart of her worst nightmare. To make it worse, she was now chummy with Nolana, of all people.

The last time she saw Grace, it wasn’t on good terms. They had severed ties, and Grace had left her behind when she fled from the city. Grace had been useful, they had their good times, sure, but that was all forgotten now. Riyah couldn’t afford to drag her along this time around. She knew too much. And now, here she was standing in the middle of a community where secrets had a way of surfacing.

Riyah spotted her near the old marketplace, her back turned, talking to one of the locals. It wasn’t hard to find her in a crowd; she still carried that same haughty air, the same attitude that made her insufferable back when they used to move in the same circles. But when she turned around and their eyes locked, the tension between them hung like a noose.

Their silent agreement had always been: I keep your secret, you keep mine. But that agreement was wearing thin. The second Grace started cozying up to Nolana, it was clear to Riya she wasn’t playing by the same rules anymore. Riyah made her way toward her, careful not to let her expression betray the rage simmering beneath her skin. Grace stood her ground, of course—always the defiant one. She didn’t flinch as Riyah approached, but Riyah could see the flicker of recognition, of wariness in her eyes.

“So, you’re Nolana’s new best friend now?” Riyah says, crossing her arms. They were now in an isolated corner of the marketplace with only a few passersby in view. Her voice was deceptively calm, but the threat was clear.

“People change, Riyah. You should know that better than anyone.” Grace replies with a smirk.

She wasn’t wrong.  She had changed—surviving the city, escaping Alexander, and crawling back to this community had forced her to evolve. But what Grace didn’t realize was that she wasn’t the same woman she once knew, the one who needed her help.

“Still running your mouth, I see,” Riyah replies, taking a step closer. “But let’s not pretend we’re here for pleasantries. You and I both know what this is about.”

Grace’s smile falters, her guard rising ever so slightly. She didn’t like to be reminded of the past, of what they had done. But the fact that she was standing here, still holding her head high, meant she had gotten too comfortable. She had forgotten her place.

“You’re scared, aren’t you?” Grace says, her voice dropping, trying to hit Riyah where it hurt. “Scared that Nolana’s going to find out what really happened. Afraid your perfect little comeback story is going to fall apart?”

The mention of Nolana’s name and memories of what happened in the past send a chill down her spine, but she doesn’t let it show.

She couldn’t let her guard down. Grace was just testing her, pushing to see if she would break. But  Riyah wasn’t about to let her hold that over her head, not now, not when she had clawed her way back into Kolade’s life. She had plans, and Grace wasn’t going to ruin them.

“Be careful, Grace,” Riyah says her voice low, deadly. “You’re walking a fine line. We both know what happened back then wasn’t just my doing. You were just as involved as I was. So before you think about cozying up to Nolana and spilling secrets, remember how easy it would be for me to expose you too.”

Grace’s eyes darkened, her confidence cracking for just a second, but that was all  Riyah needed. She couldn’t deny the truth. They were both guilty. And in this game of secrets, neither of them could afford to lose. She took a breath, regaining her composure. “Don’t worry, Riyah. Your secret is safe… for now. But don’t think for a second that I’ll let you control me. Not anymore.” She says before turning and walking away, leaving  Riyah standing there, seething with rage.

Grace was dangerous now, and  Riyah had to keep a closer eye on her. Grace had already infiltrated Nolana’s life, and if she wasn’t careful, she’d be the one to tear everything down.  She couldn’t let that happen. Not after everything she had done.  Grace wasn’t the only one with a secret to protect, but she was going to make damn sure she was the last one standing when it all came crashing down.

As  Riyah watched Grace walk away, her mind raced with the implications of their conversation. Grace was unpredictable, and that made her dangerous. She had the power to destroy everything  Riyah had worked for with just a few words. But she wasn’t the only problem— Riyah had her hands full with Kolade and Nolana. If Grace decided to run her mouth, the delicate balance she had created could collapse overnight. She needed to act fast. Pulling out her phone from her pocket she dialed a familiar number. The line clicked, and a cold voice answered.“Yes?”

“I need to meet you. Now,”  She says, her voice sharper than intended. “Same place as last time.” as she hung up without another word and headed for the outskirts of the community.

There was a rundown bar on the edge of town where she could meet the one person who could help deal with Grace before she became a real threat.

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