Forgive Me | Sleek Poems

Forgive Me | Sleek Poems

Forgive me!

Sorry; it was all my fault
Even before I met the real you
All I saw was flaws
I had devised means to wheedle you
into the kind of person I’d want
One who’d check perfectly all my box

I forgot I had them too; flaws I mean
I was focused on yours I forgot mine was worse
You endured mine, but I couldn’t yours
Sorry for all the pains I may have caused
More painful is the friend that I’ve lost

I am not saying we become friends again, but
I hope you forgive all I’ve done
I’ve learnt since then of course
To be a better person to the next friend I’d come across…


The poem carries a few significant messages:
  1. Self-awareness: The speaker acknowledges that they were blinded by their own flaws and unable to see the beauty in the other person. This emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and the need to work on ourselves before judging others.
  2. Empathy: The speaker recognizes that they did not show empathy to the other person and failed to consider their feelings. This emphasizes the importance of compassion and understanding in relationships.
  3. Forgiveness: The speaker asks for forgiveness and seeks to learn from their mistakes.

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