Sleek Tales: Riyah's Husband — Prologue

Sleek Tales: Riyah’s Husband — Chapter Seven


It’s a few minutes to six in the morning yet he can’t even get a little bit of morning sleep before he goes to work. He heard screams from the kitchen and he lazily makes his way there wondering what had happened yet again. These two women will be the death of him.

“What’s happening here?” He asks standing by the door.

“Babe look at what she has done?” Riyah says sobbing and rushing to his side.  He looks at the sight before him, Nolana is standing at the other end of the room with a microwave in her hand, the kitchen floor is a mess with broken pieces of ceramics all over.

” What’s the meaning of all this?” Kolade asks.

“Good morning to you too dear husband, how nice of you to join us,” Nolana replies nonchalantly. ” Your wife and I were just having a little throwdown. The first to smash the most things gets to keep the kitchen.” She says.

” It’s a lie” Riyah retorts between sobs.” She just started smashing things like a lunatic.”

” You’re the lunatic!” Nolana fires back.

” Enough!” Kolade yells. It’s too early to be raising his voice but these women are pressing all his buttons.

” Nolana, why are you causing such a ruckus early in the morning, was yesterday not enough?” He can see that she’s clearly still hurting but yet here she is having the energy for more trouble barely twelve hours later.

” Well she started it, she threw out all my things first.” Nolana accuses. Riyah nods her head in the negative when he turns to look at her, her eyes glassy with tears. She looks pitiful but sadly his heart is made of stone and the pitiful look only makes her look even more guilty however with Nolana looking like the bad guy there’s nothing he can do.

” Must you always react to everything Nolana? Is this what you want to teach your daughter? A life of violence? Have some dignity for Christ’s sake?” -Kolade.

Nolana looks hurt by his words as her eyes start to turn glassy, he feels bad for the way he just spoke but it’s the truth. Violence was not the answer to every problem and he knew that well first hand.

“Baabe. She has to pay for all this my dad got them for me as our wedding gift.” Riyah whines beside him taking his hand.

” And who’s going to pay for mine?” Nolana snaps.” Those items you claimed to be ‘worn out’ were my mother’s so who’s going to pay for them?” Nolana asks fuming.

” Both of you have outdone yourselves, so you’re both even.” He says.

” But babe..”

” It’s settled Riyah” ” he says firmly his tone putting an end to the discussion as he gently pulls his hand away from Riyah’s grasp. It’s a good thing Nolana is on the far side of the room so she can’t see any of this.

“And Nolana put that microwave down.”

“Sure.” She replies with a fake tight-lipped smile as she drops it on the floor with a loud bang.

“Are you mad? Do you know how expensive that is?” Riyah shrieks in horror.

“Oops! It just slipped.” Nolana says with a smug.

” Babe!” Riyah calls turning to look at him for his reaction.

Ok that’s it this two need a break from each other.

” I think you need to spend some time at your aunt’s place Nolana.” He says.

” What? You’re sending me away because of her?” Nolana asks shock and hurt written all over her face.

She won’t understand but it’s all for her good. She and Riyah in the same space is really not a good idea and besides his peace of mind is at stake, his daughter is not safe either especially after what happened yesterday.

When two elephants fight it’s the grass that suffers.

” I won’t repeat myself,” Kolade says.

“Really Kolade?”

” Both of you clean this place up. It’s too early for all this.” He says as he turns to leave.

” But babe she made the mess,” Riyah calls after him following him behind.

If she calls him babe one more time.

” Babe.,” Riyah calls again.

” Don’t push it “ He snaps, his tone icy as he glares at her. She cowers back gently even though she looks annoyed. Walking a few meters back she turns and stomps her way to the kitchen. That’s more like it, she should stay away from him. Far as possible.

A knock is heard on the door and he goes to get it. Who would be knocking this early? He hardly has any visitors nor does Nolana. Plus he’s not in the mood right now.

He opens the door and sees four men elderly men, oh yeah! He almost forgot he locked their wives up.

His problems never seem to finish, do they?



Nolana ✨

I’m pained.

I can’t believe what’s happening right now. This has been my slogan since the day Kolade and Riyah got married.

It’s not even up to a week and I’ve been sent packing, though not literally but still, here I am. The door opens after the second knock.

“Grandmaa..” Tolani squeals excitedly as soon as the door opens, rushing to hug Aunt Abigail.

“My baby” She coos as she picks Tolani up swirling her around. I stand silently watching them bond for a few seconds before I clear my throat.

“Oh! You’re here.” She says acknowledging my presence. Of course, she knows I’m here it’s just Aunt Abigail being her dramatic self.

” Good afternoon Auntie.” I greet her with a small curtsy.

” What’s with the bags?” She asks instead ignoring my greeting.

” Nothing much, we’re just visiting,”  I reply dryly.

” You didn’t say anything about visiting last week when you came here.”

This woman. Can we at least go inside first?

“Is that why you’re crying?” Aunty Abigail asks as she sits unperturbed looking at me. I can’t believe this woman right now, I’ve been crying my heart out for the past ten minutes telling her all that has happened to me in the past few days and that’s all she could say.


I haven’t shed a single tear since the beginning of all this but sitting here and now in front of the only and closest person I can call family I couldn’t hold it in any longer. But this woman right here is not even offering any form of consolation.

“Are you done?” She asks as I wipe my wet face with the back of my palm.

” Is that all you have to say, Auntie?” I’m beyond shocked at this point.

” What else do you want me to say Nneoma?”

I hate it when she calls me by my maiden name.

” Do you want me to pat you on the back and tell you everything will be okay?”

Well, that would have been better actually.

” I just need advice” I mumble.

” Oh, now you need advice. When everyone warned you not to marry that man you refused and now you’re here for advice.” She scold and my face turns sour. I know the direction in which this conversation is headed and I do not like it.

“Well it’s a good thing you’ve decided to move on, so what do you plan to –”

” Move on?” I ask cutting her off. Who said anything about moving on? Moving to where?

” Yes na, or why else did you pack your luggage?”

” Auntie I’m not moving anywhere oo. I’m only here for a few days until I think of the next line of action. I can’t leave my husband for that woman.” I say and she bursts out laughing.

What is funny?

” You can’t leave your husband? So what are you doing in my house then?” Aunt Abigail asks as she stands.

“Aunty I just–”

“It’s obvious those women didn’t beat the stupidity out of you. Shame.”_Aunt Abigail

Okay, now she’s mocking me.

“My house is not a recuperating space for your nonsense Nneoma.” She sounds serious.

What is she talking about?  My marriage to Kolade is not nonsense I’m offended.

She’s not seriously advising me to leave Kolade is she? We’re married for crying out loud and married couples do experience a few bumps here and there but then she won’t understand. She’s not married.

“Tolani will stay here until the holidays are over I’ll bring her to you when school is about to resume or better still she can stay with me. I’ll be going out now and by the time I’m back I don’t want to see you in my house.”

“Ha, auntie!” Is she sending me out of her house?

“Yes Nolana, I will not accommodate your nonsense in my house, I don’t want to see you when I get back.” She says as she walks out the door.

Sometimes I wonder how we’re related, oh yes she’s my mother’s one and only sister and the best aunt anyone could ask for except for now, of course, she’s being unreasonable.

Well, I’m sorry to disappoint her but I’m going nowhere. Now that I’m here I have a few things to do before going back to Kizolo.

I’m sorry Auntie but I’ll be here when you’re back.

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