Sleek Tales: Riyah's Husband — Prologue

Sleek Tales: Riyah’s Husband – Chapter Three



She’s staring at this insane person standing in front of her, and it’s taking only the grace of God and every good thing she holds dear not to slap the stupidity out of her friend.

“Why?”   She asks watching Riyhah stuff clothes into a small duffel bag.

“Because I’ve realized that I do not want to be with him anymore, I’m leaving,”  Riyah replies her voice laced with irritation as she keeps stuffing the clothes.

“Are you possessed or something? Did he do anything wrong or hurt you in any way? You can tell me Riyah, we can figure out a way.”   She says trying to sound reasonable even though her thoughts are anything but that.

” He didn’t do anything wrong and no I’m not possessed. I don’t just see myself wanting to be with him any longer and I don’t want to stay in this cooped-up place anymore.”  Riyah says turning to face her with her small luggage all packed.

“And you didn’t realize all this until today? It’s your wedding day for crying out loud, that man is in church waiting for you right this moment and you just realized you don’t want to be with him. Azuriyah  Rose Nze are you crazy?”  She shouts calling her out by her full name because she cannot believe this girl.

“Sshhh!” Riyah whispers putting her hand over Nolana’s mouth in an attempt to silence her, the remaining words she has to say turn into muffling sounds. ” Keep quiet now, do you want the whole house to hear you?”

She pushes her hand away glaring daggers at her. Some people don’t know good things even if it’s shoved down their throat.

“How can you do him dirty like this? What about your Father do you want to embarrass him like this?” Nolana asks trying to keep her voice down.

” I can’t displease myself to please anyone,” Riyah replies curtly and  Nolana lets out a disdainful scoff how selfish and unreasonable can a person be? And here she was feeling guilty for being a jealous friend, what a waste. A minute of silence goes by as she looks at the person she claims to be her best friend, she has changed no doubt and in a bad way even.

“Aren’t you afraid I might rat you out?”

“You wouldn’t dare.” She says grabbing Nolana firmly by the neck, as she gives her an icy glare.

“Oh! try me Riyah.” Nolana replies in the same icy tone pushing her back real hard with every ounce of her strength making her fall back on her bed.

Goodbye pretense, hello reality. This one doesn’t deserve any of her niceness.

“It’s a good thing you’re leaving, imagine Kolade being stuck with a person like you for the rest of his life. It would be tragic.” Nolana says and the switch from icy glare to shock on Riyah’s face brings her satisfaction, but she’s not done yet.

” I’ll help you, I won’t say a word to anyone about it and you, my dear, must never show your face in front of me again.” -Nolana.

“You’re saying all this because you like him, don’t you?” Well, it took her that long to figure it out.

” Yes.”  She replies stoicly. “

” For how long Nola?” None of your business is what she wants to reply but she doesn’t say it. Why is she suddenly concerned? She’s the one running away on her wedding day.

“I don’t know what he even saw in you in the first place, but I guess it doesn’t matter now. He’s about to see you for who you truly are.” Nolana replies instead deviating from the question.

” Are you even my friend Nola?” Riyah asks dumbfounded.

” If it wasn’t clear, this ‘friendship’ ended at the beginning of this conversation.” She replies unapologetically.

Riyah’s hand comes flying to her face but she grabs it midair stopping whatever it is Riyah is trying to do. She should be doing the slapping and not the other way around.

“Don’t even think about it Azuriyah,” Nolana says pushing Riyah’s hands away. “You should save all that energy for your escape.” She adds giving her the fakest smile she can afford.


Nolana watches Riyah safely escape through the back window of her room. With only a few women in the house helping with the cooking and everyone else at the church, her escape was made a lot easier. Since they both wanted a small wedding there is no bridal train whatsoever. Leaving her as the only reliable witness.

She waits for a few minutes before unlocking the door and creating a scene.

“Come oo….” She shouts at the top of her lungs. “Azuriyah has run away!”

And her fiancé is now mine…



“So what do you plan to do now?” Grace asks as she adjusts herself on my bed. It’s mid-afternoon and I’ve just finished narrating what happened earlier, omitting some parts of course. I’m not ready for all her preaching.

“I’m not letting her stay here o. She has to go.”

“Ha! But Kolade sha… Why will he do you like this? Men, you never know what’s in their hearts.” She laments.

“But Nola, I know what your husband did wasn’t right but don’t you think it’s high time you moved on from him? I mean this man doesn’t regard you at all .”  She says with a disdainful tone. Just like many others Grace is not and has never been a fan of Kolade.

” What do you mean by move on? I should throw away five good years of marriage just like that because of a mistress. No oo I can’t.”

” What do you mean you can’t? You’re a young and beautiful woman with a good heart. I’m sure there are many men out there who will give up anything to have someone like you. Don’t waste your life on this man please.” -Grace.

” Not everyone is like you Grace.” I retort harshly, but I immediately regret the choice of my words. Grace’s demeanor has changed, she’s offended. For someone who has been married four different times, I think I struck a nerve.

“I should get going.” She says as she stands grabbing her bag.

” Hey… I’m sorry.” I apologize moving closer to her and soothingly holding her hand.

I shouldn’t have snapped like that,but I couldn’t help myself. I know she meant it from a good place but I just get defensive when it comes to Kolade. How could she ask me to leave him?

Kolade is my life.

She doesn’t budge and makes her way to the door, I follow closely behind showering her with all the apologies a loving friend can give until we reach the main exit door in the sitting room.

However, the door opens before she can get to it, with no other than Riyah coming in and holding a bag of groceries. She stops when she sees us and a fresh staring contest begins. But it’s not with me this time, it’s with Grace.

These women are glaring daggers at each other like sworn enemies leaving me all the more confused.

Do they know each other? Or is Grace being an overprotective friend?

While I’m still trying to wrap my head around the scene before me, Riyah walks past us with a loud tongue-click.

I’m about to ask Grace but she beats me to it. “Is she the one?” She asks looking even more livid.

“Yes,” I reply in a whisper nodding my head.

“Do you…”

“You’re right. She needs to leave this house.” She says as she storms out of my house.


What changed? She doesn’t want me to leave Kolade anymore?

“Wait,”  I call after as I try to catch up with this woman who is walking too fast for my liking.

” What?”  she says stopping when we’re a few yards away from the house.

“What was all that glaring about? Do you know her or…”

“Does it matter?” She asks cutting me off again. ” You should go back home,” she says.

Why is she suddenly acting strange?

“But I’m seeing you off na.”

“Go… “ She says giving me a little push.

” Are you alright?”

” Go Nola, I’m fine,” She says with a smile but I can see how fake it is.” We’ll talk tomorrow when you come to the shop.” She says walking away.

I stand for a few minutes as I watch her retreating figure, I don’t know what just happened, or why she’s acting strange but I’m happy. Whatever is going on is about to favor me.

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