Sleek Tales: Riyah's Husband — Prologue

Sleek Tales: Riyah’s Husband — Chapter One



The house is as silent as a cemetery, but the only person more silent than the house is this wonderful ‘husband’ of mine as we indulge in a heated staring contest. The little wedding ceremony has long ended and the guests are all gone, Tolani is fast asleep and here I am standing in front of these two trying to understand what in the world of Nollywood just happened because I did not just walk in or rather run in on my husband getting married to my ex-best friend, in the compound of my matrimonial home while I was away on one day visit to a family member.

Emphasis on Ex.

Kolade has always been a man of few words, one of the top reasons I had fallen in love with him in the first place, but tonight I find this attribute overbearing and would appreciate it if he started talking and not staring blankly at me which puts me more on edge, the only reason I’m not screaming the place down is because there is a sleeping child in the building. My emotions are hanging on a thin line and I can feel the rage boiling from the pit of my stomach with a million murder scenarios playing around in my head.

I shift my attention from Kolade to the snake standing beside him, clutching his arm tightly and a satisfied smirk tugging the corner of her lips, I know she wants me to talk to her, her eyes daring me to do so but I’m not ready to give her the satisfaction she craves for, this conversation is going to between my husband and I no third parties included.

 “Mr Man, I asked you a question,” I say breaking the long minutes of silence that have gone on for too long.

“I don’t think I need your permission before marrying anyone,” – Kolade.

The sound of my laughter fills the room, both of them staring at me like I’ve gone hysterical. It’s that all he could come up with? Really?


” Whatever happened to the respect you promised me as your wife?” I can feel my eyes tearing up again.

” People change darling.” Riyah chirps with a coy smile on her face. I don’t remember speaking to this one.

” I’m speaking to my husband, so I suggest you shut up. “ I snap back, receiving an eye roll from her in return. I’m one step away from disfiguring that face of hers.

“Nolana please I’m not in the mood for any of your drama I’ve had a long day, can I have the key to my room?” He asks stretching out his hand.

Yea right! A long day stabbing me in the back.

And did he just call me dramatic? What does he expect? A round of applause and a congratulatory gift? Nobody is sleeping tonight, I had locked all bedrooms earlier while the little celebration was taking place outside leaving only mine open since Tolani and I still shared a room.

“You’re not answering the question, sir,” I said ignoring his remark.

“And he said he doesn’t owe you any explanation!” Riyah replies abruptly making me all the more enraged. The audacity.

” Oh, he does both of you do because I am his wife and you should start going home or wherever you’ve been for the past five years because you’re not welcome here. “ I retort.

” Nola, let me have my key we’ll talk about this in the morning.”

” No we’ll talk about it here and now, you’re not going to be until you’ve explained what the hell is happening and what this woman is doing in my house,” I say my arms folded staring him up and down.

” So you’re not giving  me the key?”

” No.”

Wait a minute! How did this conversation change its course? Nice one Kolade I see what you’re trying to do here.

“Fine then, suit yourself.” He says making his way to the door.

Oh no, he’s not.

In a dash, I’m standing right in front of him blocking his path. “Where do you think you’re going? You’re not going to walk out on me Kolade. We’re not done talking!” I’m raising my voice now, my emotions taking full control.

In a millisecond, I’m pushed aside onto the nearest sofa as he storms out of the house with Riyah close behind him flashing a victorious smile at me before the door goes shut.

What the hell just happened?

This can’t be happening.

Not now, not today, not ever!!! Everything was going on so we’ll, so why now?

I had always dreaded a day like this, and now it’s finally here. My emotions are all mixed up in a jar and shaken together. Anger, betrayal, and the worst of them fear. The fear of losing Kolade once more, I can’t let this happen, not after all the effort I’ve put in.

My body feels weak and I lean into the seat even more as I try to calm myself down and even my breathing.

That Kolade how long had this been going on? How could he do this to me after everything I had done for him? I know he didn’t love me and I have always been content with the fact that he respected me even though the circumstances leading to our marriage were dire. I always had hope that with time his wounds would heal and he would learn to love me. But then he goes back to the same reason he was heartbroken in the first place.

That ungrateful son of a…

No, it must be Riyah! She must have done something to him because no one in his right senses would go back to a woman who dumped him at the altar five years ago.

Something is fishy and I’m getting to the bottom of it. However, Riyah and I can’t share the same husband, one of us has to have him and it’s only going to be me.

I jump up to my feet once more as I head to the door, if I’m going to make Kolade fall in love with me I have to first of all keep him inside the house. The cold night breeze hits my face as soon as I step outside the door, However, er that’s the least of my worries as I feel my blood pressure go up instantly, Kolade’s car is nowhere to be seen.

The alarm in my head is blaring loud and clear as the realization sets in, he’s with that witch on a night they just got married.

Help! I just gave my husband away to the enemy.

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