Sleek Tales: The Seventh Wife

Sleek Tales: The Seventh Wife — Chapter One


I look at my father’s sickly face for the last time through the carriage window as I begin my journey, Zeinab my father’s second wife and now Regent Queen stands beside my father with a satisfied smile on their face, she and my stepsister Arezu wave gracefully as my carriage pulls out of the palace. Finally! She has successfully gotten rid of me and for good this time.

I take deep breaths as my heart beats wildly in my chest to the fear of the unknown. I have been put in a rather impossible situation thanks to my very evil stepmother who has always been the villain of my happy story.

I am about to be the seventh wife of King Jamal, a ruthless tyrant thanks to Queen Zeinab who would do anything to get rid of me since I was a thorn in her flesh. By tradition, my stepsister Arezu should have been married off since she was older, but she threw a tantrum and threatened to kill herself, leaving me as the much better option.

As displeasing as it was I wasn’t a drama queen and there were plenty of things to consider. Firstly, Abi had been sick for a long time now, making him unable to handle court affairs which led Zeinab to be Regent Queen since he had no son.

Sleek Tales: The Seventh Wife – An Unusual Romance


Secondly, the king of Zafira had been threatening to wage war on the kingdom for months. With my father ill and the kingdom’s weak military force war was not the best option at the moment and so it was decided that the two kingdoms unite through marriage to avoid any further damage.

Arezu was unwilling, and I couldn’t watch the innocent people of Sammarra suffer because I also chose to be selfish. I had to do my duty as a princess even if it meant sacrificing my happiness. Besides how hard was it to be a wife?!




The journey to Zafira lasted for two days and a night. I have never been more eager to get out of a carriage like this instant. My legs are sore and my back and butt ache from sitting too long. It’s already dusk when we arrive at the capital city of Zafira.

I look out of my carriage window as we ride through the crowded market streets, the hustle and bustle bringing a smile to my face. I used to love the markets back home, I guess this is my home now.

The palace was located in the capital of the kingdom Zarvan. It was the biggest and most magnificent building I had ever seen. A Golden dome situated right at the center of the capital with bright lights emanating the streets below adding to its extravagance.

My heart does a flip when we finally enter the palace gates, all the anxiety and fear comes crashing down in waves. I suddenly felt dizzy and my body shook uncontrollably as realization dawned on me. The time has finally come.




As soon as I got off my carriage I was whisked away by waiting maids not giving me even a moment to catch my breath or take in my surroundings. After a long and excruciating bath where my body was scrubbed thoroughly, I felt my skin would peel off. I am dressed in a blue silk dress embroidered with gold thread and sparkling red rubies and adorned with golden jewelry to finish the look.

I stare at my reflection in the mirror as the maids begin to leave the room.

“Excuse me!” I call out to one of the maids, who is about to leave. She turns to me with a bow.

“How can I help you, my lady?”

“When will I see the king?” I ask, trying my best to make the fear in my voice.

“The Zahir will come to you after the banquet, my Lady.” She replies curtly, a blush forming on her cheeks as she rushes out, understanding hits me when I realize she must have misunderstood my question. Did I sound desperate? I don’t even want to meet the king.

As I wait for the king, I take a look at my surroundings. I am seated on a huge and plush mattress covered in soft white cotton sheets. Purple silk curtains are hanging down the window sills and a soft fur rug is below. A vanity sits at the right corner of the room with different cosmetics and jewelry right on top. Everything looks too exquisite, I might be a princess but nothing I have seen compares to this.

There are fruits and cakes served on a table right across from the bed but I do not have an appetite for I am consumed by fear of the unknown. Different scenarios pop up in my head making me all the more anxious that I cannot sit still, instead, I pace up and down hoping for this night to pass in a blur so I can be done and over it.

I must have lost track of time because I am jolted awake by the sound of the door opening making me abruptly stand to my feet. A man staggers in and I realize this must be the king. He looks nothing like the rumors I have heard. Although he has aged he looks very full of health, with handsome features I do not care about because there’s thick tension in the room as I stand rooted to a spot fear taking hold of me not knowing what next to do. A part of me wanted to push this drunk man and run back to Sammarra, but I knew that it was impossible as I would never make it out alive considering that I did not know anywhere in the palace.

“You must be the Sammarran girl?” He asks his voice gruff, as he approaches me.

I can’t find my voice as I am overcome with fear, so I manage a small nod.

” You shall answer me when I ask you a question!” He thunders, his voice commanding startling me.

” Y-y-yes Your Majesty,” I reply in a stammer my voice sounding smaller than usual, tears welling up in my eyes. What is wrong with me

He takes large steps towards me and I subconsciously take a step back, fear taking full control of me. I try to take another step back but he’s right in front of me. He grabs me by my waist firmly drawing me to him and a terrified shriek leaves my mouth. I slap my hands over my mouth just as fast as the sound leaves it.

A minute of silence passes and the tension in the room can be sliced with a knife as we stare at each other, his piercing green eyes glaring at me and the strong smell of liquor mixed with spices envelopes me I feel I might faint any minute from now if he doesn’t let go of me.

“Do I scare you?” He asks in his gruff voice sounding rather annoyed.

With my hand still clasped over my mouth I nod my head in the negative.

” Answer me!” He commands yanking my hand away and holding my chin firmly with his other hand.

” No My king” I reply my voice barely above a whisper. I am not scared rather I  am terrified. Terrified of the whole situation,  the fate of my kingdom hangs on a thin thread and so does my life. One more mistake and I’m doomed.

“It doesn’t matter whether you’re scared or not.” He replies with a dangerous smirk on his face. “You belong to me now.” And with that, he pushes me up on the bed, and there goes my heart flying out the window.

This is it! My life is over.

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